Saturday, December 13, 2008


Cathera is a Liver Transplant Recipient.

Cathera received two liver transplants, the first one in December of 1998, given by a living friend of Cathera's who donated 40% of her own liver. This transplant became infected and slowly over the course of a month became non-functional.

During this month Cathera lay in intensive care heavily sedated, on life support, fighting a raging infection and many times near death.

Much of the work, which Cathera has produced since then, deals with the places her spirit visited as well as experiences she had during this incredibly difficult ordeal.

Cathera feels that she had the choice of "crossing over" or coming back to this reality. As she now says, "I've been to the other side."

In January of 1999 a donor liver from a deceased person was available and Cathera underwent a second transplant followed by a slow, difficult, but "incredible" recovery. Cathera wishes to acknowledge the dedicated, exceptionally skilled doctors and staff of Mt. Sinai Hospital, especially Dr.'s Emre and Fishbien as well asTransplant Coordinator Lindsey Arnott.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Best Friend Dee Hodges

Most people enjoy the inferiority of their best friends
To find a truly greaty friend, you have to keep one eye closed-to keep her,two.True friend are those who are there for you unconditionally. Never do they question, but always offer support no matter what the circumdtances are.Best Friend are the people worth living for .

Iris 'Vanity'

A Originally native to Europa, bearded irises have been hybridized and are now prized worldwide for their elegant beauty.
The 3 top petals are called standards, the 3 lower ones are called falls,.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Resident Dee Hodges

With the lot owner hesitant to sign an extension on the one year lease the Village siged for the new N Frankiin St. Municipal parking lot, plans for a fesce for the property are still up in the air .